Friday, September 4, 2015

DigCit/Shark Tank Presentation(Blog 3)

   This week in my DigCit class, I presented my passion project to the class. It was definitely very significant because it was the first time where I really articulated my plans for my passion project. I had to craft a presentation on what I hoped to do, what I hoped to accomplish in the end, and why I felt I had to do this specific project. Writing it was a big step to get closer to the bigger picture and the presentation itself was another big step. I had to take time so I could understand where I wanted to go with this project and also just to think about if I really wanted to do this. After thinking about it long enough, I realized this was perfect and it made me feel better knowing that what I plan on doing has a significance not just on me, but others as well. 
   My peers were very helpful and had very good feedback. They all understood why I wanted to do what I felt like I had to do and were nothing short of helpful. I did get very good questions that I have to think about and will hopefully answer soon in order to make my project as good and powerful as possible. A big problem with my project is that the marathon for Michael is in July which is after the school year. Me and Linda will already have everything planned out by then though so I feel I can digress. 
   If I learned anything about this topic is how some "small things" can make a very big impact on peoples lives and in the community as well. As I stated in my previous blog, Michael had Glioblastoma Multiforme. After doing some research, it turns out that only 2-3 people in every 100,000 have this brain cancer and the people who do have this form of brain cancer only have a 5% survival rate. This was shockingly low in terms of its popularity and also the survival rate. I think that not a lot of people are aware of this deadly form of cancer because it is not as common as others. Although it is rare, we should still work hard as a whole so that maybe one day we can rid the world of it. However, I am somewhat glad that not a lot of people have to endure the things Michael had to go through. Michael was a great person and his death most definitely had a big impact in my life and in the lives of people around him. 
   Michaels wife, Linda, will be my mentor for this project and I am very excited to partner up with her because she is also extremely passionate about helping people with Glioblastoma Multiforme and people in general. Me and her will be discussing what we can do as a first step and what we hope to accomplish in the end. The race last year was super great and it was very beautiful seeing all the people coming together for the cause but I hope the upcoming one can blow the previous one out of the water. It was very nice being in that atmosphere but if we keep going and improving, then me and her will hopefully be successful in getting the word around about how scary the form of cancer is. With that acknowledgement in the community, I am almost certain we will have a more significant amount of people trying to find a cure.   


  1. I'm happy to see that the Shark Tank process helped your clarify your project idea!

    As you said, since the race is not until July, and you've already identified a mentor, what will you benchmark goal for next week be? Will you begin gathering some footage for your video?

    Great post, Andres!

  2. @MrsMcNeilly
    Thank you very much! I think my benchmark goal might be just to talk to my mentor and get some footage on what we would want to do. If I do get an interview, I will definitirely be getting some footage but wether or not that will happen is currently unclear because I havent ran it by her yet.
