Friday, September 11, 2015

Blog Prompt #4

   If I were to moderate a Twitter chat, I would probably moderate a chat on what is wrong with society these days and some possible solutions. I would probably do it on this topic because I feel as if it could be very informative and very efficient. If the people who made up this society could just discuss its flaws as a whole, then some things could potentially change for the better which should be a goal. 
   I would say that I can use a twitter chat as part of my genius hour project because potentially what I want a do is to participate in a twitter chat where problems are brought up and then we all give our solutions. This could help me out because what it would do is help me open my eyes up a little more and then that will get me thinking about some possible solutions that I hopefully can incorporate into my own project. I will like to use my twitter chats to help out my project by gathering solutions and trying to use some of those solutions for my project.
   A twitter chat is an effective way to communicate with others because it connects many different people from many different places and many cultures. Twitter is a free source of communication that accepts just about every account. Given said that, with many new people comes many different perspectives. When people with different perspectives come together, then there is a better chance of getting the best possible solution. 


  1. I like you ideas for the chat but keep in mind that those "different perspectives" will also see differently about what is wrong with society.

  2. @ChrisD yes very true and I am extremely interested in hearing about other peoples perspectives!
