Friday, November 13, 2015

Dig Cit Blog 11

   Yesterday in class, we had a meeting with a successful freelance artist/ documentarian/ photographer/journalist named Kevin Beatty. Kevin used to live in North Carolina, went to college in Boston to get his bachelor in science and film, and now resides in Colorado. He makes a living off projects he works on. My teachers scheduled this meeting because his profession is corresponding to what this class tries to achieve; working on a passion project to have an impact. 
   If there is one thing he stressed its the importance of marketing not only your project but yourself in addition. I feel very confident because I think I am doing a good job at that. After the community pitch, the picture of my poster was shared on my mentors personal facebook page as well as the facebook page of the nonprofit organization itself. Due to that action, I have been contacted by people wanting to learn more about what I am doing and some also want to join me. 
   Another thing that I picked up from the hangout was how important marketing is OUTSIDE of social media. Don't get me wrong, social media is important in marketing but that is just a fraction of the bigger picture. Kevin showed us a booklet he made to market what he plans on doing and he sends it to people he wants to work with or just people who might be interested. I am pondering the thought of making flyers or posters to promote the event but I will have to do that closer to the event. It definitely was a great idea! 
   Below is a screenshot of his website and located below it is his website which goes into more detail on what he is about! I recommend you all check it out!(: 
  Works Cited
Beatty, Kevin J. "Mixed-Media Story Telling." Mixed-Media Storytelling. Kevin J. Beaty, 2015. Web. 13 Nov. 2015. <>.

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