Friday, November 20, 2015

DigCit Blog 12: Cyberbullying PSA

   This week in digcit class, we worked on creating our PSA videos. My group happened to be a very solid group and as a result, we did not have to edit our storyboards like the rest of the other groups(not to brag). We all contributed to the PSA very well and we did everything we could to keep it running swiftly. However, if something was not right or could have been improved, we spoke up for the sake of the outcome.
   My job was to make the last three slides in the PSA. Our PSA revolves around cyberbullying and how it can impact a person. We really hope that when people see our PSA, they will think twice about cyberbullying someone. In addition, we also hope people will be upstanders rather than bystanders if they encounter cyberbullying.
   Another job I was in charge of was partially producing the music for the PSA. I helped create the original music for the PSA. However, when we meshed the music into the PSA it did not give off the effect we wanted it to so it was altered. The new music on the PSA was created by my accomplice who did a great job. 
   This was fairly easy because I do not like cyberbullying and think it is very childish even though it can really hurt someone. I have not cyberbullied anyone before and I luckily have not been cyberbullied by anyone in the past(knock on wood).
      If you know anyone who has been cyberbullied before or has cyberbullied anyone, please be an upstander and do something. You never know the full power words have on people. 

    Samatha. "How Can We Prevent Cyber-Bullying in the Social Media Age? - Multiple Mayhem Mamma." Multiple Mayhem Mamma RSS. Multiple Mayhem Mamma, 22 Apr. 2013. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Dig Cit Blog 11

   Yesterday in class, we had a meeting with a successful freelance artist/ documentarian/ photographer/journalist named Kevin Beatty. Kevin used to live in North Carolina, went to college in Boston to get his bachelor in science and film, and now resides in Colorado. He makes a living off projects he works on. My teachers scheduled this meeting because his profession is corresponding to what this class tries to achieve; working on a passion project to have an impact. 
   If there is one thing he stressed its the importance of marketing not only your project but yourself in addition. I feel very confident because I think I am doing a good job at that. After the community pitch, the picture of my poster was shared on my mentors personal facebook page as well as the facebook page of the nonprofit organization itself. Due to that action, I have been contacted by people wanting to learn more about what I am doing and some also want to join me. 
   Another thing that I picked up from the hangout was how important marketing is OUTSIDE of social media. Don't get me wrong, social media is important in marketing but that is just a fraction of the bigger picture. Kevin showed us a booklet he made to market what he plans on doing and he sends it to people he wants to work with or just people who might be interested. I am pondering the thought of making flyers or posters to promote the event but I will have to do that closer to the event. It definitely was a great idea! 
   Below is a screenshot of his website and located below it is his website which goes into more detail on what he is about! I recommend you all check it out!(: 
  Works Cited
Beatty, Kevin J. "Mixed-Media Story Telling." Mixed-Media Storytelling. Kevin J. Beaty, 2015. Web. 13 Nov. 2015. <>.

Friday, November 6, 2015

DigCit Community Pitch Aftermath

   My digcit community pitch was last night and it went way better than expected. I made my own poster dedicated to informing the public about my project and what i plan on achieving. In the poster, I had pictures of Michael, his children, and his wife Linda who is my mentor as I previously have stated. I had a column on what GBM is and some facts on it. I also had a column dedicated to Michael and another one dedicated to what my final product will be. 
   I met lots and lots of people who were very interested in my poject and what my cause is. I was very scared at first but the people were very welcoming. A lot of the parents were there as well as students which was really nice because they actually comforted me. It was very encouraging all the support I gained from not just the students but the admin as well! I definitely gained some supporters!