I personally think that failure is crucial to life and success. People usually think that failure is a word that means no success, no pros, and nothing in return. I would have to disagree though. In life, ive failed countless times. Every single time I fail, I always learn something about myself. When I fail, I think of it as experience that I can learn from. I usually end up learning about what kind of person I am and what kind of person I want to be when I get older. In other words, I learn wether or not something is for me or not. Experience is very vital to growing as a person and the most important kind of experience a person can have is failure. Failing may seem like a bunch of cons, but in terms of growing into the person you want to be its a pro. With failure comes realization. If I fail at something I personally think is important, I always learn about what I can do to improve. With that improvement, I change my approach and sometimes even my mindset into something more realistic or even more creative and unique.
In school, failure is just bound to happen somewhere along the lines. If I were to ask all my teachers how many times ive failed, im certain they would all laugh because they all know that ive failed more times than they care to count. This is just bound to happen like I said. But with all my failures, ive learned to better understand myself a little bit better. Some of my failures made me realize that I should put in some more effort to get better grades, some of them showed me that some things are just not for me, and on occasion ill make mistakes and want to genuinely improve because I care about the topic/material. All of those are okay, because in life I dont think I will be remembered about how well I am at math, or how well I am at remembering the periodic table, or how well I am at remembering dates. I also dont want to be remembered for any of that, but some school material may come in handy from time to time.
If someone feels like a failure, they should know that they are not. The word "failure" in my opinion is very misunderstood, making it a big misconception. Everybody fails sometimes. Some people fail in one thing and others succeed, but everyone fails in things that others find success in. Its all mandatory. If someone who labels themselves as a "failure" really wants to succeed at the task at hand, then they shoud keep pushing because there will come a day where it all pays off. If someone considers themselves a "failure" at something that is irrelevant to them and what they want to be in life, then that is totally okay. Ive been there too and its alright for that to happen.
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