Friday, August 28, 2015

DigCit Blog 2 Prompt

   I have decided to focus my project on promoting a charity that raises awareness on Glioblastoma Multiforme(GBM). I have decided to focus on this charity in specific because it raises awareness on something that happened in my life that had a big impact on me personally. 
   Sometime freshmen year, I was still unsure on wether or not I wanted to continue playing baseball. I knew that I wanted to continue practicing so if I wanted to continue playing, I could do it easily. I had no coach or mentor given the fact that it was the off season but my parents were good friends with a person who was good at baseball. I heard he was a very cool guy who knew a lot about baseball and used to play a lot of it. I decided to practice with the guy although I did not know him at all. I felt rather uneasy but I decided to go to our one-on-one practice. This was when I first met Michael.
   Although I cannot remember the details vividly, I do remember his attitude. Michael was a very optimistic and very positive person. He knew baseball very well, but he knew people better. He knew exacty what to say to people and how to say it. After roughly two weeks, my parents informed that Michael previously had cancer. I knew this was a big deal, but it wasnt at the same time. Cancer never was something that defined Michael and even after learning he had cancer, it never changed my perspective of Michael.
   After a couple months after first meeting Michael, my mother informed me that he had cancer yet again. I was scared of what might happen but I knew he was a fighter and would never stop fighting. Me and Michael still talked every once in awhile after that but I still asked my parents about how we was doing. This time was a lot different though because this form of cancer was a lot worse. I wont go into details but the symptoms were making themselves known. The symptoms went of for about a month or two but there was still hope. Then, after being picked up from my friends, my mother informed that Michael has passed away.
   When I found that out, it very hard. For awhile I was very sad that I would not be able to see or talk to him ever again and it was very strange because it was so sudden. He left behind two young kids and his wife and I wanted to do everything I could to help them out. When I found out his wife started a charity that helps families with dealing with Giloblastoma Multiforme, I had to help. I attented their first 7K annual event and also helped out. So, for my passion project, I will be helping Michaels wife Linda with the event. I will be raising awareness hopefully by making videos and interviewing Michaels family. I also will be helping out with the actual event. Although Michael passed away at the hands of GBM, he won the fight because it never changed him. 

Friday, August 21, 2015

First DigCit Blog Post - 8/21/15

    There are many things I love and am passionate about. I am very passionate about music and how it connects people and generates so many emotions. I also am passionate about film and how it also can generate many emotions and how genuine and relatable they can get. As a matter of fact, I would like to make music or films as a profession sometime in the future. But if there is one thing I'm extremely passionate about, its people.
   People are great but I think we can all agree that some people connect and interest us more than others for lack of a nicer way to put it. Thats all natural in my opinion though, its inevitable in life and people could also argue that is helps us in some way and makes us better people in a strange way. What I have a problem is when people are being discriminated towards. 
   Life is a right in my opinion. We all have a limited period of time on this planet and it should be our duty to make it as positive as possible. We never know when we will leave and its debatable as to where we go but its a fact that we will one day leave for good. Before we leave, we should try and make our existence as happy and joyful as possible because that is the whole point of life in my opinion: to create beautiful and authentic things in a material world. 
  So why limit or deny people the right to work towards that goal? Because of race? Because of gender? Because of religion? The list goes on and on. I have a theory that just about everyone that is human is vulnerable to same things as the other. This theory makes it harder for me to understand why people would discriminate against another. We are all vulnerable to emotions and feelings just as strong and soft as the next person. So when one person harasses another person wether it be verbally, physically, or mentally by discriminating or anything other form, would the victim be expected to just miraculously move along, not say anything, and forget it due to their race, gender, religion or whatnot? I say no because we all are vulnerable to the same emotions and feelings as everyone else and that should definitely be considered at the least. 
   This problem, sadly, is extremely hard to solve. All we can do is encourage others to not promote discrimination and to also not take action in discrimination ourselves. Although it would be very hard to extinguish, I do believe and hope that maybe one day discrimination would be extinct. If this world can work together, anything is possible. We are the people who make up society which is taken for granted daily. That means, I am apart of society, you are apart of society, your teachers are apart of society, my teachers are apart of society, my family is apart of society, your parents are apart of society, and so on and so forth. Therefore, we must not talk about society as if its something that we are not apart, but rather embrace it in. I think when we embrace it, then we will see change.